We collected the most asked questions here with an answer.

What is update policy?

When you purchase a license of TheSaaS, you will receive a lifetime update. It means when we release a new version, you freely receive the new version.


How to install demo content?

You don’t have to install all the demo content into your fresh install of WordPress. You can easily import the pages that you like to have, not all of them. You can easily add a page or demo page from the block inserter. In case you still persist on importing all pages and menus, install One Click Demo Import plugin and follow the instructions in the plugin page after activation.


How can I link/scroll to a section?

You can set an ID for each section from block options panel. In block options, expand „Advanced“ and enter an ID in the „HTML Anchor (ID)“ input. Let’s say you wrote „section-pricing“ in the ID input, now you’re able to scroll to this section from any link inside the page with URL value of „#section-pricing“.


How can I contact you by email?

Use the contact form in our profile page: https://themeforest.net/user/thethemeio#contact